The Texas Eagle route is the longest train route in the United States. Trains travel between Chicago and Los Angeles and stop in Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. As the name suggests, there are many stations in Texas and you can also ride this train to reach Phoenix, Tucson and Palm Springs.

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Schedule Highlights

  • There is one train in each direction daily between Chicago and San Antonio.
  • There are three trains per week between San Antonio and Los Angeles.
  • Trains depart Chicago in the afternoon.
  • Trains depart Los Angeles at night.
  • Overnight, trains are in Arkansas.
  • Trip time between Los Angeles and Palm Springs is about 2.5 hours.
  • Trip time between Dallas and Austin is almost 6 hours.
  • Trip time between Dallas and San Antonio is about 8 hours.
  • Trip time between Chicago and Austin is 28 hours.
  • Trip time between Chicago and Dallas is 21.5 hours.

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Things to Know

  • No WiFi.
  • The entire trip is over 65 hours, which is three nights on the train.
  • The Texas Eagle has Superliner rail cars with an upper and lower level.
  • The Texas Eagle merges with the Sunset Limited in San Antonio and continues on to California.
  • Travel to Springfield, IL for the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Lincoln home and Lincoln tomb.
  • Maricopa is the stop for Phoenix, which is about 45 minutes away from downtown. You can request a Lyft or Uber car from the Maricopa Station or book your Amtrak ticket to Phoenix, which will include bus service for the last leg of the trip.


The cost of Amtrak tickets varies by type of ticket, distance traveled, time of year and how early you book your tickets. Coach seats are the most affordable, followed by roomettes and bedrooms.

Here are estimated Texas Eagles prices if you travel the entire route (as of 2022):

  • $100-$200 for coach seat
  • $600-$1,000 for a roomette
  • $1,400 for a family bedroom
  • $1,400 to $2,000 for a bedroom

Meals and coffee are included if you book sleeping accommodations, and bedroom prices drop under $1,000 if you are traveling between Chicago and either Dallas, Fort Worth or San Antonio.


Does Texas Eagle have sleeper cars?

Yes, the Texas Eagle has sleeper cars. You can book a roomette, bedroom or family bedroom in the sleeper car. Learn about the different sleeping accommodations.

Does the Texas Eagle run every day?

Texas Eagle trains run every day between Chicago and San Antonio. Between San Antonio and Los Angeles, train service is just three days per week.

What is the difference between the Sunset Limited and Texas Eagle?

The Sunset Limited and Texas Eagle trains are combined on the trip between San Antonio and Los Angeles, so there is no difference. East of San Antonio, the trains follow different routes, with the Texas Eagle traveling to/from Chicago and the Sunset Limited to/from New Orleans.

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